Image Upload Failure on Magento Product Page

piaoling  2011-08-18 14:06:53

We’ve have been informed of a problem in the Magento back-end, whereby users’ are having problems trying to upload images to a product. Unlike another error where the user cannot see the browse box after clicking “Browse” – this time, users are able to browse for the image and upload it – however the image just simply add itself to the image list.

Similarly, you may also find that if anything is clicked (aside from the left colun links), you may be booted out to the admin login screen. Once you re-log in you’ll find that image is nowhere to be seen – despite the fact that five seconds ago it says it was “uploaded”!

Firstly, make sure your media directory is Chmod’ed in FTP to 777, and similarly that all files in your Magento installation have the correct “owner” for the hosting account – ie: not “root”.

Secondly, the error could well be your PHP installation. You may simply need to create a php.ini file in your Magento folder which reads as follows:


magic_quotes_gpc = off
short_open_tag = on

If you do this and also ensure Safe Mode is enabled, you should successfully be able to upload images again!

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