magento wiki
from : Wiki Articles 1 - Installation And Configuration 2 - Magento Concepts And Architecture 3 - Store Setup And Management 4 - Themes And Template Customization 5 - Modules And Development 6 - Magento Mobile 7 - Magento Connect 7 - Modules And Development Bienvenido A La Guia De Usuario De Magento Doc Groups How-to How To How To Restore Admin Access For Failed Tls Import-export A......
第一步:找到Directory模块,在sql下创建新的升级脚本,版本号只要比之前的大就好,例如我的是mysql4-upgrade-0.8.10-0.8.11.php。 文件内容: < ?php /** * Magento * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web,......
Magento框架设计的魅力实在是另我钦佩,所以把Magento其他模块都禁用掉了仅留下了Core和Cms模块,作为我的开发框架使用。试用了下,完美! 作为CMS可能Magento不是最好的,我们也不去争论它,只是我认为这样做更适合我的需求,或者说是适合作为我的开发框架使 用。同时我要说的是这样禁用掉很多模块,后台留下的一些目录进去后会报错,这个要依照你自己的使用去修改。我相信能对我这篇文章感兴趣的人一定有很深的技 术基础,所以请尽情发挥吧......
Magento深入理解-Grid报错clause is ambiguous问题
我记得之前没少讲过Grid,今天在写Grid遇到这样一个错误,将解决办法分享下。 SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'increment_id' in where clause is ambiguous 这个错误怎么来的呢,关键是clause is ambiguous。 使用Grid必须要设置一个Collection,往往这个Grid需要联表查询,就是写join语句。请看下面例子: protected function _getCollectionClass() { return 'sales/order_shipment_grid_collection'; } protected function _prepareCollection() ......
Essential Magento developer tools
Browser development/testing Firebug + YSlow This priceless tool packs it all, element/script editing, logging, connections and it’s own plugins! The Yahoo extension YSlow analyses your DOM and gives it a page load rating a must for any e-commerce developer. Download Firebug and YSlow Web Developer Packing another knockout blow is the Web Developer Toolbar with some fantastic functionality. Clear session cookies or re-size window anyone? ColorZilla Sweet colors are just a click away. Selenium IDE This is my favorite extension by far! Fed up of completing the checkout form......
magento 教程 ......
How do you get the price including tax in magento?
Looking to find out how you get the price on the product page to display including tax. junowebdesign | Best Answer Posted 7 months ago < ?php echo Mage::helper('core')->currency($_price,true,false) ?> ......
magento product price
Normally in magento Price shown including Tax.But if you want to show Price Excluding Tax then you need to call the following helper class. <?php echo $this->helper('checkout')->formatPrice($_product->getPrice()) // For Special Price write this echo $this->helper('checkout')->formatPrice($_product->getSpecialPrice()) ?> from: get price with tax&ei=POgsTp-6MsfkmAX75oW6Dw&am......
magento eav sql
SELECT `e`. * , `_table_color`.`value` AS `color` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `_table_color` ON ( _table_color.entity_id = e.entity_id ) AND ( _table_color.attribute_id = '272' ) AND ( _table_color.store_id =0 ) WHERE ( ( _table_color.value IN ( '24,11' ) ) ) LIMIT 0 , 30 ......
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