
How do I make Magento use two MySQL Servers

piaoling  2012-07-13 14:13:14

I setup a replicated mysql server in magento.. following this blog post: I added this into my /app/etc/local.xml   <default_setup>                 <connection>                     <......

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Connect different database from Magento

piaoling  2012-07-13 14:09:12

Some of you might have worked on Magento. I am listing here points for connecting another database from Magento. 1) Suppose your database for Magento Project is named ‘magento’. 2) There is one other database named ‘wp’. 3) For using this database inside Magento, you need to setup connection in ‘config.xml’ file which resides in ‘urmagentodirectory/app/etc’ 4) In ‘config.xml’ there is a tag ‘’ inside which default connection is setup, you need to write this code under this. ? ......

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How does URL rewriting works?

piaoling  2012-07-12 16:43:32

Createa category   Diagram1-1   Wejust input the category's name, and set "is active" to Yes,and then click Save Category     Diagram1-2   Wecan see that the URL key is automaticly generated. The value is"nikon-camera". Whena category is created, in database table core_url_rewriting,there is a new record created at the&nbs......

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magento blog and tutorials

piaoling  2012-07-10 11:58:47

  Magento Tutorials, Tips and Extensions - For Developers by Developers ......

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Demystifying Magento’s Layout XML – Part 1

piaoling  2012-07-10 11:04:25

Demystifying Magento’s Layout XML – Part 1 By Paryank Kansara on September 28, 2010 / 32 Comments The ‘View’ of Magento’s MVC pattern implementation is divided in two parts: Layout and Template. The template represents a HTML block while layout defines the location of the block on a web page. Magento provides ultimate flexibility and re-usability of design by layouts defined in XML. Layout XML Layout XML files can be found in app/design/frontend/[package]/[theme]/layout. Each Magento module may define its own layout XML file in the config.xml file.......

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Digging Deeper Into Magento’s Layout XML – Part 2

piaoling  2012-07-10 10:59:53

Digging Deeper Into Magento’s Layout XML – Part 2 By Paryank Kansara on November 30, 2010 / 14 Comments In the first part of this series, we discussed the basics of Layout XML elements and gave an overview of the rendering process. In part 2, we are going to discuss both in some more detail and present some techniques to perform more advanced layout actions out of the box. First, let’s explain a few terms that are frequently used in this article: MVC Action: MVC action is nothing but a method defined in a controller class and mapped with the requested URL. For exam......

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piaoling  2012-07-09 17:48:28

老规矩,直接看代码吧。下面的代码是如何通过程序创建一个完美订单。 <?php require_once 'app/Mage.php';   Mage::app('default');//初始化程序,设置当前店铺   $store = Mage::app()->getStore('default'); //通过电子邮件获取用户,当然也可以不获取,创建guest订单 $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer'); $customer->setStore($store); $customer->loadByEmail('');   //初始化Quote,Magento的订单是通过Quote来转化过去的 $quote =......

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piaoling  2012-07-09 15:08:15

文章前面我要说明,Magento2.0和1.X是完全不同的两个版本.简单来说,magento2.0完全是重构的.完全的不同,彻底的不同.记住哦,这是magento贰 git获得magento2源码: magento2官方wiki页面: 以下介绍来自Magento俄罗斯开发大会的PDF资料(俄文和英文)和其他相关blog. 一.完全不同的文件结构 简化了Magento的文件结构,pub下面把可访问文件都包含了进去.增强了安全性.文件结构也更加的简介. 二.Only jquer......

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How to overload a controller,magento controller rewrite,重写

piaoling  2012-07-09 13:32:44

How to overload a controller Last modified by demonkoryu on Tue, January 10, 2012 08:43 Source|Old Revisions     Table of Contents How to overload a controller 1. Create your module folders and files 2. Edit /etc/config.xml 3. Edit ''controllers/Checkout/CartController.php'' 4. Edit ''app/etc/modules/MyNameSpace_All.xml'' ......

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magento 性能优化

piaoling  2012-07-06 15:16:04

公司的magento网站实在是太慢了,想了好多办法,参考了好多资料,做了很多测试,总结一下大概的步骤如下: 1.压缩js,css代码,如果有必要把所有的css,js分别综合到一个文件中,并压缩缓存. 2.清除magento模板中不必要的注释,为所使用到的图片瘦身. 3.优化magento代码,这个步骤工作量大,但可能是效果显著的步骤,不过前提是你非常熟悉magento,彻底删除不用的模块,关闭没用的 block, 清除无效,无用的xml(解析xml非常昂贵的),在一个页面中尽量不要大量调用magento的image ......

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